Monday, January 15, 2018

Make the most of an aquarium background

The appearance of an aquarium and everything in it depends greatly on its background (directly behind and around) with relation to a source of light.

 Check it out! 
This small vase aquarium looks dull with a larger aquarium on the background.

 Try backgrounds of different colors to find the best one. 

Consider the background color in relation to the color of the desk and the walls of the room.

Colors hide or underline things in your aquarium.  

You may notice different colors on your fish! 

The conventionally placed background, flat/parallel to the back wall of aquarium, yields only one shade of the color. 

Tilt the background! 

Tilted background yields brighter colors, adding depth to the aquarium! 
Aquariums with a tilted background look brighter, even in regular natural light!

 Backgrounds reflect light, illuminating aquarium from the inside!

Have fun and happy aquariums :)

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