Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Preparing Land Moss for Aquarium

December 2nd, 2017
Land moss grows everywhere. 

I want to check if land moss collected in cold winter time would grow underwater.
 Here, I got a sample of moss grown on a tree. 

The same moss grows on the ground next to the tree.

 Wash moss thoroughly under running water. 
It is important to get rid of soil, dirt, and whatever else could be there. 

Put washed moss in clear plastic cups or glass jars.

 Fill up cups with water to cover the moss.
 I use dechlorinated NYC tap water.
 It takes 24 hours for chlorine to evaporate from open cups. 

I keep nurseries without fish on a windowsill exposed to direct sunlight. 

All my nurseries are populated with seed shrimps - here they are.

December 4th, 2017
 Mold on water’s surface indicates that samples of moss are getting spoiled. 

Wash spoiled samples again under running tap water. 

December 8th, 2017 
The same problem. 
Film of mold on the water’s surface. 

Wash the moss again.

 Add dechlorinated water as needed.

 December 17th, 2017 
The moss turns brown despite of all my efforts. 

And yet, there is the green light of life! 

The living proof of green power! 
Trim it off and let it grow in a new aquarium...or let it flourish in the old nursery.

 Here is the moss with bubbles of oxygen on. 

 January 20th, 2018 
I am taking samples of moss.

 I have the same types of moss growing in my aquariums since last summer.

Let's see how winter picks would do underwater.

 Here are different types of moss.

 It looks interesting too. 

I follow the same procedure with all land moss samples: wash it thoroughly, place moss in a clear container, fill it up with dechlorinated water, keep container open and exposed to direct sunlight, add dechlorinated water as necessary.

February 23rd, 2018
 I got new samples of moss collected a day before. 

Check samples for bad odor or presence of mold daily. 
Those signs indicate that moss needs to be washed again.

My winter collected moss samples grow underwater!

 I add seed shrimps to all nurseries.
 They are my essential cleaning crew helping to control algae growth in all aquariums. 
Fish eat them! 

I move moss to new nurseries after a couple weeks or more of testing, giving couple weeks or more for new aquariums to settle before adding guppy fry. 
Here is an aquarium with 3 types of land moss.

 Check description of the video for more details. 

Have fun and happy aquariums :)

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