Tuesday, August 2, 2022

How to Grow Pothos in Water

Pothos is one of many land plants that can grow in water.

Buy Pothos locally on Craigslist: 
 or Buy Pothos plants on Amazon (paid link): 

 Pothos can grow in bright or very low light rooms.

 And Pothos can grow even fully submerged underwater in aquariums. 

It is actually simpler to grow Pothos with roots in water than potted in soil. 

And you don't need a large aquarium to grow Pothos!

Let's use a plastic bottle to make a small container / planter to grow a Pothos plant in it.

 Remove stickers and wash the bottle clean. 
I prefer to use cylindrical shaped clear plastic bottles - easy to clean and they look nice. 

Cut off the top part of the bottle about 1 cm away from the bottle neck curve. 

1-2 liter bottles serve well for our purpose. 

You can use any other size bottles.

Trim off the edges nicely. 

Flip over the top part and put it in the bottle. 

It should fit firmly.

Remove the bottle cap. 

The top part serves as a plant holder and a cover to reduce water evaporation. 

Put some gravel, rocks, seashells, marbles or whatever you like in the bottle. 

Make it look nice the way you like it. 

Add dechlorinated water - I prefer aged algae rich water for all aquariums.
 You can use cold tap water...that's what I use to make dechlorinated aged water anyway. 

I like to add aquatic plants - Guppy grass in this example. 

You can also add some small aquatic critters: snails, scuds, seed shrimp and such. 
Aquatic plants and critters are optional for our purpose. 

Make sure the water level stays below the bottom edge of the cover. 
The planter is all set and ready.

Make a cutting from a healthy Pothos plant.
 I've been growing Pothos plants in my sustainable aquariums with fish for years. 

You can take a cutting from a plant potted in soil all the same.

 It makes no difference whether the old Pothos has been growing in soil or water to begin with.

Put a cutting of Pothos plant in the planter. 

Here it goes on September 3rd, 2021.  

A cutting with one or more leaves would do to start with.
 Keep all leaves above water or check my other video about growing Pothos underwater. 

The roots start growing on the Pothos cutting in the first week.

Here you can see the new white roots 6 days later on September 9th. 

And here you can see another 6 day old Pothos cutting with 3 leaves.
 It has a new leaf sprouting and new white roots growing. 
Both Pothos look great. 

This small size planter can be moved around and placed virtually anywhere in your room or office.

Water evaporates from the tank mostly through the leaves of the plants.

 The larger the plant, the more water evaporates.

 These small tanks have enough water for plants to grow for many months, possibly a year or more.

Though, keeping water to the level makes the whole setup more attractive and plants healthier. 

I add water to the level about once a month or so. 

Here you can see the Pothos plants 4 months later on January 1st, 2022. 
All looks great! 

Once again, I prefer to use aged algae rich water for my aquariums. 

Just for fun and to make a point, I kept these Pothos plants in my darkest room through the Winter.

 Pothos are one of the easiest plants to grow in water basically maintenance free in very low light rooms. 

Long hanging vines of Pothos turn a gallon aquarium into a wonder of Nature thriving right on your desk. 

Life is beautiful.
Have fun and happy Pothos :)

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