Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Wishing the best for my Newts

About one year ago I built this paludarium for Eastern newts.

Here I have 3 wild caught adult newts in the aquatic stage of development.

Here is one of them.

They are small and very cute.
I learnt to take care of them.

My newts eat only live food.
Getting continuous supply of live food all year around was one of the biggest challenges.
I managed it.
Farming isopods, culturing worms and scuds - I learnt it all.

I learnt a lot about Eastern newts - I never kept any newts before.
I've been experimenting to make this paludarium sustainable with critters, fish and newts.
It's challenging and yet doable.
My whole family fell in love with these little guys.
And when it comes to do what is the best for the one you love - you gotta do what is the best for them.
I have no idea how old my newts are...they are old.
They are probably older than me in dog years.

I decided to give my newts, my old friends, what I would want for myself.
Freedom to go and live where they belong.
Back to Nature in July 2023.
It's a perfect time - my newts would have a couple warm months to get ready for the Winter.

I put each newt in a separate container for transportation.
Parting with newts, especially with SheShy, was heartbreaking.

We rode a bike - the same way I brought them.
It was a slow ride - I was distracted with thoughts.
Would they remember me?
I will never forget them!

One by one I let my newts go.
It feels peaceful in this beautiful place.

Newts sure enjoy the spring water in the shade of trees.

Goodbye SheShy!
It was my pleasure and joy to have you for the whole year.
You will find plenty of snails and scuds in your new-old home.
And I have many more videos to make and share about you.
I will be checking on you!
Have fun and happy new adventures :)

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