Tuesday, October 3, 2023

The best computer for cycling

Smartphones and smart watches are expensive and yet the most popular computers for general use. 

Buy wrist watch on Amazon (paid link): 

There are default phone OS apps and third parties apps (such as Strava) that could serve the needs of most cyclists very well. 

Smartphones paired with smart watches have the sensors to get you the real time data about your ride and your health. 

Commute, ride occasionally or competitively - it works great for all. 

And there is a huge selection of specialized computers for cyclists of all levels.
 You have to ride a lot! to benefit from special features of a dedicated computer. 
The main advantage of specialized computers is to save your phone battery life.
 You get your speed, time, elevation, weather conditions, GPS and much more to digest.

Here, take a look at one of my rides recorded on iPhone with the Strava app.

 And the default Health app on iPhone has even more in depth info. 

Let me show my daily, weekly, monthly and annual average rides.

 I ride my bicycle about 20 miles a day in any weather all year around. 

Computers collect and provide a waste amount of info about each ride. 
All this info you can look at and analyze after the ride.
 However, during the ride you really need to know only one. 

It is...Time!

Know the time and you will get where you need to be on time. 
And guess what... a classic timepiece attached to the handlebar instead of your wrist is the best way to see the time on the ride. 
This particular watch runs about 3 years on a single battery. 

It makes my bike look very cool. 
And most importantly - one glance without any distraction from the ride for me to know how fast I should go to get where I need to be in one whole piece.
I tried it once and never rode without it ever since. 
Have fun and happy rides :) 

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