Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Where to find and catch wild scuds

Where to find and catch wild scuds 

Buy Scuds locally on Craigslist: 
 or buy Scuds on Amazon (paid link): 

Scuds, scientific name Gammarus, also known as side swimmers live in water all around the world. 
I found scuds among other critters often hanging on aquatic plants in lakes and ponds of NY. 

Here I pull a sample of Willow moss out of a creek at Bear mountain upstate NY. 
A warm season is the best time to catch all kinds of aquatic critters along with plants. 

You never know for sure what may come with wild plants :) 

Rinse the plants in a container. 

I brought home a small sample of the willow moss.

 Take a look. 

Let's add dechlorinated aged tap water. 

And let it sit overnight.

 The next morning I noticed scuds and copepods in this sample :) 

I can quarantine the sample right in this 16oz container for a couple weeks. 

Though, watching it through glass walls would be better.
 I move the sample to a rectangular shaped glass jar. 
This jar is about 32oz. 
Add more aged water to the level. 

I see at least 3 adult scuds here. 
There could be baby scuds too.
 Though, speckle sized babies are near impossible to spot. 

Let's add some gravel to give scuds more place to dig and hide.

 Scuds are bottom feeders and will enjoy the gravel.
 And it looks nice. 
We have made a small quarantine aquarium :)

 Once a week or so I give scuds a part of a cereal flake. 
That should be enough for a couple scuds in addition to all the moss they can chew on in this tank. 

It takes more than a month for the scuds population to grow. 

The larger size tanks can support a much larger population of scuds. 

I've been farming scuds for feeding my newts and fish in 5 gallon jars with great success. 
And I have scuds in all my aquariums.

 Scuds are one of the best live foods you can get in most places and culture easily at home. 
 Please check my previous videos for details.

Have fun and happy scuds :)

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