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or buy Scuds on Amazon (paid link):
Scuds and snails are the best live food for Newts.
We can culture small colonies right in the aquariums with fish and newts.
Though, it's better to have separate tanks for culturing large colonies of scuds and snails.
Scuds feed on anything organic you may through in the tank.
And they breed proficiently!
The same is true for Ramshorn and Bladder snails.
I have colonies of scuds and snails in all my aquariums.
Every week or so I add more scuds and small size snails into aquariums for newts.
Scuds make a perfect bite sized food for newts.
It's fun to watch Eastern Newts hunting scuds and snails.
Please check my previous videos for more fun with newts 😊
I feed my newts with different types of live food - worms, isopods and such.
Newts never get chocked on and have to spit out scuds the way they spit out food that does not fit in one bite.
And as you may already know Newts do not eat dead food.
Watch out for the quick grab n' go snack.
Newts enjoy scuds at any time!
Here you can see a very busy newt digging gravel searching for the delicious scuds.
And the newt gets rewarded!
Eastern newts can eat only food that fits in their mouth in one whole piece.
For this reason Newts eat only young small size snails.
The large older snails left in the aquariums to lay more eggs for keeping the snails population.
Scuds and snails make the best, the simplest and the most reliable to culture food for newts among all I tried.
Have fun and happy Newts :)
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