My adult Eastern Newts feed on live food only.
Scud, small sized Ramshorn and Bladder snails are the best food for newts.
In this example I give them isopods.
An adult newt can easily swallow about 1 cm long isopod in one take.
Isopods are perfect size food for newts - even better than red wrigglers!
Terrestrial isopods survive about 10-15 minutes underwater.
It is enough time for hungry newts to find isopods.
Though, as you may know - newts are kind of...lousy hunters, often missing - which is fun to watch 😊
I feed 1-2 isopods per a newt 3 times a week.
Newts don't really eat a lot.
And there are days when newts don't eat at all.
One never knows for sure how much food to give - newts appetite is very unpredictable.
It cause a problem with food expiration.
Isopods, worms and all other types of live food may die before newts eat them.
Newts do not eat dead food.
Even a hungry newt, accidentally trying to swallow freshly died isopod spits it out!
Here is another example.
Newts always come to check on any food even when they are not hungry - just curious.
They are very observant and curious about everything in the aquarium.
As hungry as newts could get - they avoid eating dead.
Dead food never gets spoiled in aquariums with scuds and snails.
Those and other scavengers really good in taking care of dead food fast keeping aquariums clean.
But newts do not eat dead.
Have fun and happy newts :)
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