Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Key powers of Simple Aquarium Care

Key powers of Simple Aquarium Care

Feeding is the most important and the most challenging part of aquarium care in all aquariums.
The health of the entire aquarium depends on how much and how often you feed your pets.

Avoid overfeeding - the major cause of all problems in aquariums.
Give as much food as your fish can eat in about couple minutes.

Feed them every other day or even less frequently to avoid food waste accumulation in the tank.

Fish loves live food!

Here you can see my fish devouring Springtails.

I feed my fish various food total of 3 times a week - that's simple.

Here my fish goes frenzy after Grindal worms.

I feed my Eastern Newts with Red Wiggler worms and Isopods also 3 times a week.
Feeding more often results in spoiled water and green algae outbreaks.

Let the fish, snails and scuds to eat it all clean before the next feeding.
Skip the next feeding and remove any leftover food if necessary.

Common green algae feeds on dissolved in water waste - it is the most powerful water filter.
Small quantities of green algae can be found in every healthy aquarium.
Too much waste in aquariums prompts algae blooms - which can quickly destroy any aquarium.

Aquatic plants serve as food and provides shelter for fish and critters.
Plants also compete directly with algae for feeding on nutrition dissolved in water.
Plants consume nutrition as they grow for as long as the space allows it.
Plants grow slower and even stop growing and die in small spaces producing waste and allowing green algae blooms.

It is necessary to provide space for plants to grow continuously.
Trim and remove old plants as necessary for allowing new plants to grow.

Terrestrial plants growing with roots in water are even more powerful than aquatic plants for algae control in aquariums.

Land plants have access to more light, air and more space to grow while feeding on the nutrition in the water.

Those are the most powerful and the most effective parts of aquarium care.

I don't change water in my aquariums and it all works great year after year.
Have fun and happy aquariums :)

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