Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Race Cars Table Game

You will need a field and cars to play this game.

Draw the field, print this, or some other fields and pictures you will find at the end of this page.

Cars can be represented by small coins.

You can make cars out of erasers and paint them.

I am playing with squinkies as cars!

Players decide how many cars per player to play with.
 With 3 or less players, it's more fun to play with 2 or more cars per a player.

I am going to use 4 cars on a 3 line field in this example.

 Cars race from the start to the finish line (it is the same line) moving around the field.
In this example, cars move counterclockwise.

 Players have to agree on how many loops to complete the race.

 Cars can move to or go through only empty spots directly in front or directly to the side (left or right) - never move backward or diagonally.

A car can pass only once through the same spot during one turn.

The order for players to place their cars on the starting line is defined by a draw.

 Let's say the cars in my left hand chooses the first 2 spots.

Then I draw between these 2 cars.

And then draw between the last 2 cars.

We have established the initial order to place cars on the starting line.
This order is only to place cars on the field.

The first player puts the car on the starting line or behind the line.

Then the 2nd player puts his/ her car on any empty spot at the starting line or behind the line.

Then the next player and so on.

Players put only one car at a time.

 Players can place any number of road blocks upon agreement.
Cars cannot move on or go through a road block.
 Road blocks can be stationary or moving, upon agreement.

 In this example, I am going to place one stationary road block.
The position of cars on the field defines the order and the number of moves for each car.
The 1st car is the car positioned on the furthest line closest to the pit (center of the field).
Here we have cars in the order for this turn: 1st is green, 2nd is yellow, 3rd is blue, 4th is red.
Each car must move the number of steps indicated by the order.

Ready! Set!! Go!!!
The 1st car must move 1 step.

The 2nd car must move 2 steps.

 The 3rd car must move 3 steps.

The 4th car must move 4 steps.
All cars completed this turn.
 Cars are in order for the next turn.
The blue car is 1st.
Move it 1 step.

The yellow car is 2nd.
Move it 2 steps.

The red car is 3rd.
Move it 3 steps.

The green car is 4th.
 Move it 4 steps.

All cars completed the turn.
 And so the game goes.
Remember for each new turn the first car is the one standing on the front line and closest to the pit.

A car must re-start the current loop from the beginning if it does not complete the required number of steps in a turn.
In this turn the yellow car moves 1 step.

The blue car moves 2 steps.

The green car moves 3 steps.

The red car cannot make the required 4 steps.
It must re-start the current loop from the starting line.

 And the game goes on.
The game gets more challenging with more cars, road blocks, or moving road blocks.

 Cars are coming to the finish line.
In this example, the race is around one loop.
The 1st car to step on the finish line of the last lap is the winner.

The winning car gets the highest score defined by the number of participating cars.
Each following car gets 1 point less than the previous car.
In this example, the blue car gets 4 points, the yellow car gets 3 points, the green car gets 2 points, the red car gets 1 point.

 In a teams' race the winning team is the team with the highest total score.
In this example, the blue-green team wins with 6 points versus yellow - red team with 5 points.

Bellow you will find examples of fields and pictures  that I drew for this game.
Feel free to modify the fields and rules of the game to make it more interesting.

I draw fields on standard A4 size paper to fit squinkies.
I suggest that you save the large size picture first, then print it (watch this video for details).
1. Click on the picture. The picture gets bigger! 
2. Right click on the picture. 
3. Read through the options and click on...what is right for you! 
Just make sure to print only your picture! Not my entire blog post with all the pictures and text.

Race cars table game black and white field 3 lines counterclockwise.

Race cars table game black and white field 3 lines clockwise.

Race cars table game colored 3 lines counterclockwise.

Race cars table game colored field 3 lines clockwise.

Race cars table game black and white field 4 lines counterclockwise.

Race cars table game black and white field 4 lines clockwise.

Race cars table game colored field 4 lines counterclockwise.

Race cars table game colored field 4 lines clockwise.

Have fun and happy race :)

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