Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Can we use Sterile Water for aquariums

Usually I use NYC dechlorinated tap water for my aquariums. 

It works great for fish, plants, and critters.

 I am still curious about other types of water. 
Are they suitable for aquariums?

On January 10th, 2021 I get a bottle of Sterile Water with the intention to check it out. 

Let's set up a basic 1 liter jar sustainable aquarium.
 I prepared a liter glass jar with a planter. 

Let's fill the jar with Sterile water.

 I like to use a tilted background. 

It makes any aquarium look better.
 You should check my videos about it and night aquariums!

 Now let's add a cutting of Guppy grass.

 Any other aquatic plants should do. 

And now let's add just one adult Ramshorn snail.
 I have Ramshorn and pond snails in all my aquariums.

Let's see if the snail will survive in sterile water. 

Cover the aquarium with a planter to reduce water evaporation. 

All is set and ready. 
The snail feeds on algae and organic detritus.
 Algae and plants feed on snail waste. 
We have set up a simple sustainable aquarium.
 I don't have to do anything else but watch. 

And I watch for the next 6 weeks. 

February 28th, 2021. 
The snail and plants are fine, assuring me that sterile water is suitable for aquariums.

 Have fun and happy aquarium gardens :)

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