Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Newts mating Funny

It's a mating season for Eastern (Red-spotted) newts. 

The dark green male newt is watching closely the light green female named SheShy. 

SheShy noticed the male and kept moving slowly, hunting snails in her usual manner.

 Look at that male newt macho standing!
 Hovering above the female with all his limbs in the ready to grab-her position. 
SheShy is well aware of his intentions... 

Silly male got a hold on a snail instead of the female newt :)

 And look at my newt-a-girl! 
She is totally like "what the heck is wrong with that man!"

 He is still wrestling the snail as if it's a newt-a-girl :) 

Ahh...what a flop 

Have fun and happy newts :)

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