Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Newts Watching TV

Eastern newts are the cutest aquatic pets I've ever kept. 
They are one of the smallest newts in the world with the most complicated life development stages. 

That alone makes them an interesting subject of observations for me. 
Newts spend a lot of time observing everything surrounding them in the aquarium and...outside the tank.
 Here is my newt-a-girl named SheShy watching TV with the rest of my family. 

You can see the reflection of the TV on the wall of the tank. 

We are watching football tonight. 

Have you ever had that rush... the urge to run while watching the game? 

Well...my newt-a-girl sure knows that feeling. 

Yeah! Hustle Giants! Hustle!! 

Yes, we are big fans of the New York Giants. 

Yes we are, girl :) 
Hustle, hustle Giants!

 Here we go.
 I noticed newts often hanging out by the front wall watching TV.

 This time my family is watching the New York Knicks vs Miami Heat playoff.

All the best front view spots are taken.

 This male newt was late for the beginning of the game...
 Some newts are just like people who must have snacks while watching games :) 

I also noticed newts contemplating...abstract art in a form of ever changing color lights on the wall. 

Well, that happens only on the nights when there are no games on TV :)

 And if you wonder what newts do during day time when TV is off... 

Well...contemplating whatever there is in the window. 

One thing is for sure - newts are very observant. 
Knewt it :) 
Have fun and happy newts :)

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