Friday, August 9, 2024

Feeding Fish Live Worms First Time

Feeding Fish Live Worms First Time

Buy Grindal worms locally through Craigslist: 
 Or buy Grindal worms on Amazon (paid link): 

I am feeding live Grindal worms for the first time to fish in this aquarium.

These Least Killifish had never tried live worms before.

They got scared of the first drop 😊 and moved away.
The female gets curious and come back... she takes the first bite!
And again. 

That's it. Let's drop some more worms.
This time she is not scared and goes right after the worms 😊
And the male also joined the party 😁
It took seconds for fish to figured that worms are food.
Now she is looking for more worms to fall from the skies.
Silly fish 😂 worms sink down - that's where you have to look for them.

Well, fish will figure it out.
Grindal worms stay alive underwater for over 15 hours - plenty of time for fish to find and eat them.
The Least Killifish are one of the smallest fish and very skillful hunters.
Here the female already found worms on the bottom.

Look at this two bad boys!
The least killifish males never skip a chance to fight each other.

Wiggling worms are naturally highly attractive fish food.
Look how eagerly this big mom fish goes after Grindal worms!

Have fun and happy fish 😊

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