Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Aquarium Plants Holders DIY

Aquarium Plants Holders DIY 

Aquariums benefit greatly from land plants growing with roots in water. 
I used wire hangers and silicon tubing shown in previous videos for making planters. 

This time I am going to make planters for my 29 gallon paludarium. 

Cut a hanger and straighten up the wire. 
I use pliers for this purpose. 
You can use spokes from old bike wheels instead of hangers as I did for hanging land platforms.

Put the wire inside of the silicon tubing. 
Any aquarium-friendly air tubing would do.
 The idea is to isolate and protect the wire from water. 

I use longer size tubing than the length of the wire to cover both ends of the wire. 

Use the pliers to bend the wire for making any desirable shape planter or holder. 

In this example, I want to hang the planter on the aquarium wall.
 I want only the roots of plants to be submerged in the water. 
The planter will hold the stem of the plant in two spots.

 The ends of the tubbing will be hanging above the water and outside of the aquarium. 
No water will get inside of the tubing! 

Here you can see how it looks in my aquarium. 

Roots of the plants submerged in the water and leaves stay above the water. 
Also, I made cuts to fit the planters through the aquarium cover. 

Here I drain the water to make a different setup.
 I want to check how my land plants would grow in the high humidity of this paludarium. 

Hang the planter on the walls.

 I melt the tubing ends to seal them. 
So again, no water will get inside of these tubing. 

Install the cover on the top - make sure all fits as it should before placing any plants. 

Here you can see how I arranged Pothos, Peace Lily, Painters Palette and Wandering Jew. 

All those plants stay under the cover. 

For the next setup I am going to use sealed end holders to keep a platform above the water.

 I use about 18 inch long wire to make each hanger.

 I want to make the platform slightly tilted to one side. 
Here you can see a set of handlers. 

The top hooks are in the same level. 

The middle and the bottom of one holder are slightly lower. 

I made two identical sets for this setup. 

Put the hangers on the walls in desirable order. 

Here you can see two platforms already assembled on the holders.

 I shifted platforms slightly to allow water fall from the top platform to the lower. 
This is necessary for testing one of my ideas for self-feeding sustaining aquariums. 
I am going to explain about it all in future videos ;)

 It's my long term project I've been sharing with you through years of my experiments. 

This is my paludarium as of July 2024.
 Here I used another modification of wired hangers to hold platforms with land mosses. 

Also, I've been culturing live food on these platforms for feeding my fish in this tank.
 Well, in the past it was food for newts - now it's food for fish :)

 I think this setup should work for newts even better than my previous one. 
It definitely looks prettier :) 

It is the only aquarium where I use a water pump. 
No filters. 
No water changes. 

The wired holders in all modifications work great! 
Have fun and happy aquariums :)

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