Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Newts Tug of War

The game is on! 
It does not happen often...

But when it does - it's sure fun to watch two newts pulling on the same worm.


The newts snapped the worm on parts.

This newt has a piece of worm.

And this newt has a piece of worm too.

And Best of All -
We have two winners in this newts tug of war game!

But what about the third newt?!
Where is my favorite and the most friendly newt SheShy?

Aha, she is right here...

SheShy has been watching boys playing the tug of war game.

SheShy is very fussy newt when it comes to food...

I suppose she gets her fun watching boys hustle the loose worm she spotted first.

Have fun and happy Newts :)

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