Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Peperomia Urvilleana Aquarium Gardening

December 19th, 2020 
A friend gifted me with a small cutting of the Peperomia Urvilleana plant. 

This cutting has some tiny dried roots. 
Let's check if Peperomia Urvilleana would grow with roots in water. 

Cut off the bottom leaves. 

Keep the top 4 leaves. 

This about 10cm long cutting should look good in a small tank.

 I put this Peperomia Urvilleana cutting into a 16 oz glass jar with snails and terrestrial moss. 
Make sure the bottom part of the stem stays in the water and keep all leaves above the water. 

I keep all my aquarium gardens away from direct sunlight. 

January 29th, 2021 
The plant has a new leaf - making it a total of 5 leaves. 

And this about 5 weeks old cutting has developed about 2 cm long soft roots. 
The plant looks nice and healthy. 

March 1st. 
3 months fly by - the Winter is over. 
Two more new leaves are growing. 

The roots are about 5 cm long. 

Let's move this plant into a bigger 1.5 liter aquarium garden with other land plants. 

2 months later, by the end of May, the plant has developed new leaves. 

I don't feed snails in this small self-feeding sustainable aquarium - only add water. 

August 7th. 
The cutting has grown into a very pretty plant through the Summer months.

 10 months old Peperomia Urvilleana plant on October 25th, 2021.

Two bottom leaves get yellowish discoloration.

 Let's move the plant into a larger, 3 liter aquarium garden with fish, snails and scuds.

 I feed my fish in this tank. 

So, the plant would have more nutrition to get from the water. 

Make sure the roots of the plant stay in the water all the time. 

November 28th 

The two yellow leaves wilted and fell off. 

Also, the roots get thinner in one month! 
I think scuds enjoy chewing the soft roots of Peperomia Urvilleana. 

July 6th, 2022 
One year and half old Peperomia Urvilleana looks pretty. 

Let me pull it out for a closer look.

 So, there are many leaves - looks good. 

A new branch is growing with tiny leaves! 

The roots are basically all gone - scuds really chewed them off. 

The plant is about 20cm long - twice the initial size. 

I'm moving the plant into an aquarium garden built for my granddaughter. 
This aquarium garden is populated with snails and scuds - no fish. 
A beautiful self-feeding sustaining aquarium garden. 

5 months later on January 9th, 2023. 
The plant looks good.

 Let's take a look at the roots.
 Ah! The new branch with leaves has been growing under the cover! 

And there are some leaves growing underwater! 
I may try to grow Peperomia Urvilleana fully submerged in future. 
Notice how small the leaves grow underwater. 

For now let's pull the new branch through the hole in the planter to put all leaves above the cover. 
I want the plant to grow stronger before making any new cuttings. 

3 months later on March 16th, 2023 
This sustainable aquarium garden looks really nice. 

The small population of snails and scuds provide enough nutrition for the plants to grow on. 

And the plants and algae grow great.

 Once in a month or two I add aged algae rich water to the level. 

Mist the leaves to wash away the dust and...that's it. 

And the roots of the plant have been growing nice and bushy again. 

Peperomia Urvilleana grows very nicely in maintenance-free aquarium gardens.
 Have fun and happy aquarium gardens :)

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