Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Newts Sleep Funny

My adult Eastern (Red-spotted) newts spend most of the day and night in the top part of the aquarium.

 Newts prefer to hang on the plants right under the land platform. 

That is where Eastern newts sleep and take naps - hanging on the plants. 

Often staying in kind of... funny, suspended positions :) 

Newts go to the bottom of the tank for hunting and mating.
 Newts actually can be seen in all parts of the tank as you may have seen in my previous videos. 

Though, Eastern newts never sleep at the bottom of the tank.

The only rare times I've seen newts sleep on the bottom is when they literally fall off the plants while in the deep sleep. 
Look at this adorable sleepy newt-a-baby boy :) 

The newt slowly opens its eyes - it's awake now.

 The newt probably has a hard time figuring out how he got to this spot :)

 All his limbs are very relaxed.

 I freaked out the first time I saw one of my newts so relaxed. 
I thought the newt was dead. 

Looking at this sleeping beauty leaves no doubts - newts have pretty real dreams! 
This newt also fell off the plant while in a deep sleep in a stage of watching a dream. 

Eyelids closed. 
And all limbs in this unmistakable - seen only in when newts sleep positions. 

Okay, now the newt is awake. 

Did it catch something while sleep-hunting :) 

Ah, no! The newt fell asleep with a wilted leaf in its mouth :)

 Just the way little babies do :) 

Have fun and happy newts :)

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